商店簡介 | About Us – 小宇宙溜溜球專賣店 Youniverstore
  • 全館滿1000免運,提供超商取貨店到店貨到付款服務(台灣)。Worldwide Free Shipping over $200

【關於小宇宙溜溜球】 由二十年溜溜球資歷,十年教學經驗的溜溜球老師郭勇志所經營的小宇宙溜溜球本舖,提供來自國內外世界各地,新手入門初學者的初級溜溜球及進階專業級玩家的專業花式溜溜球、具收藏價值的溜溜球,非一般販售幾十元一捏就碎的溜溜球。2022年1月進駐西門町誠品生活武昌店,為台灣第一間進駐百貨商場之溜溜球專門店

【購買常見問題】 1. 溜溜球購買均會附溜溜球專用線。 2. 下標後12-24小時內出貨,如遇欠品或出差則另行通知延後出貨。 3. 提供溜溜球售後相關教學與諮詢。

About Youniverstore - Established by Kuo Yung Chih, a yo-yo teacher with 20 years of yo-yo experience and 10 years of teaching experience, Youniverstore Yo-Yo Shop offers a range of yo-yos catering to beginners entering the world of yo-yoing and advanced players seeking 1A to 5A gameplay. The shop provides professional freestyle yo-yos and collectible yo-yos that differ from the typical inexpensive models that break easily.
